I've posted the SB pictures from this week's visit. I've been asked by a few people about the pictures, so I knew I better get on the ball. Many apologies to my buddy, Austin! You can find them in a new folder called "Trip to SB" in our photo link, over on the right.
I bought a new 2 gig thumbdrive in Kiev today for less than $10 USD. You can get everything here in Ukraine, including the regions, that you get in the US. Right now the rate is 7.2 which enables the dollar to go further, but it is bad for Ukraine.
The kids are excited to come home tomorrow. This is the last night they will spend at the Deitski Dom! Julia was especially happy! She was smiling and dancing when we showed up for our 15 minute visit. She got two goodie bags today because she asked Momma for an extra one yesterday.
Today we took Nadia and Kolya to the International Church in Kiev. It was interesting to see them out of their comfort zone and in a setting that they will experience in America. Everyone speaks English at the church and on several occasions Nadia ducked behind Heidi's back when she was introduced to someone. She was not the usual "in charge" big sister that she usually is. She asked me more than a few times, "Let's go!"
On Monday we are taking the kids and are going to meet up with Jim and Kari Volf who are coming in to start their adoption journey. Actually, now that I think of it, that's the name of their blog. And I thought that I was being original!
We start the paperchase on Tuesday to get home, we'll keep you posted on the progress. It's raining out and it is 9pm, time to head home and get a good night's sleep with the rain drumming on the tin roof of our apartment. I love that kind of sleep, don't you!