When I first heard that my parents were adopting, I was kinda shell-shocked. At the time, my life was at rock-bottom. I was in the middle of an abusive marriage. I had no friends and a new “family” (my in-laws) that hated me. Most importantly, I had no hope.
My first reaction to the adoption news was purely selfish. I felt a sense of abandonment. My husband used these feelings to further alienate me from my dad. It took me a few months to get off of my high horse. I was in a communications class at the time. So I decided to do a speech on orphans, Ukraine, adoption, and all that good stuff. It was supposed to be a 3 minute speech. Once I got started, I couldn’t stop! I talked with a fiery passion for about 15 minutes. I got an A!!
It took me about another year to get my head on straight. I left my husband on January 3rd of this year. I bounced around from home to home for about 6 months after that, including a battered women's shelter.
I first met my new brother and sisters, when I came to Colorado on a one week visit this summer. The acceptance I felt when I walked through the front door was overwhelming. I was first approached by Julia. She eyed me over and asked, “Jessica, are you my sister too?” I told her I was. She thought about this for a moment, grinned big, and asked “Ok, can I paint your nails?” I wanted to cry.
I realize now that this was God’s plan. These kids were delivered from awful conditions and so was I. I accepted God into my heart, and he gave me a new family and new friends.
~ Jessica, age 22 ~
Serenity Prayer (my favorite)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen--Reinhold Niebuhr