Saturday, January 16, 2010

Safe in Ukraine

After a whole day traveling by plane, train and automobile....we have arrived safely and we are sitting here at Becky DeWett's kitchen table. The flights were uneventfull. Heidi got a few hours of sleep on the Dulles to Frankfurt flight. We had the whole middle 5 seat row, so she got to stretch out. I however, never sleep well sitting upright, so I watched 3 movies and listened to some Blues Radio...a little music to set the mood for the weeks to come :)

We had the priviledge of going through security twice in Frankfurt. But all went well with me. Heidi, the trouble maker, had to practically get undressed everytime she went throught the "magna-tron". At one point, the German security lady took possesion of Heidi's moneybelt. Yikes! After a little explanation, she got it back.

So here we are, enjoying catching up with dear friends and decompressing from being stuffed in flying tubes for 14 hours. We will go to church tommorow and then visit the Boyarka orphanage. Monday morning is the SDA appointment, so we are excited about that.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. God Bless you all. Signing off for now before I fall asleep and drool all over the keyboard! I miss our kids already.

~ Felix ~

About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.