First, we talked to Frontier Horizons today.They contacted the director and he is agreeing to let the children come but only from mid-July and only with a guardian. We told FH that we would agree to his terms. Soooooo, the girls should be here from mid-July to the end of August! Family and Friends, make your reservations to come to Rogé house and meet these wonderful girls this summer!
Secondly, we are trying to put together a trip to Ukraine for mid-April (not June as previously thought)to visit the girl's internat. Since the director is being more open with us, he has invited us to come to the internat. I don't know what he wants to talk about, but I have an agenda of my own. I want to ask more about the girl's registration and if we can please help in the process (so far any offer of help has been met with resistance and push-back). We want to hire a lawyer to get this done. Also, we want to establish a relationship with him and the girl's caretaker. This is for the girl's sake, but also for future relationships with UOO and this particular internat. And of course, we want to see the girls as much as possible.
Lastly, we made an offer on the house we like today. OK, we love it actually, but don't tell the builder! We will have more information on that as details emerge.
Thank you Lord, for hearing our prayers. You are first and foremost in our thoughts everyday.
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when
men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Psalm 37:7 (NIV)
Slava Bogu (praise God)! He is moving on behalf of the girls. I love to hear how He cares for His kids. I hope we can make it up to meet Zina and Rimma while they're here this summer. I think Elaine would have a great time with them! I'm glad you already have your full home study and clearances done; we're still working on getting our mini study done and finding out how to get national clearances. It's not easy!
Looking forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks! :-)
How WONDERFUL! What a true blessing for you and the girls.
We are soooo excited!!! Can't wait for the girls to be here and for you to see their country! I wish we lived closer so Kristina could meet them!
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