Thursday, January 3, 2008

Emergency Room

Last night at 11:30 Heidi got home from volleyball. Did we mention she plays 2 person sand VB? She woke me up and told me she was having stomach pains. She thought it was because of a turkey sandwich she had earlier. The pain got worse and worse as the night progressed and neither one of us got any sleep. Around 5 am or so she finally relented to my constant requests to go to the doctor. She spent the next couple of hours in the bathroom, "getting ready" and somewhere in there, I dozed off. I awoke to her crying in the bathroom and so we set off to the clinic to get there by 8am when they opened. No sooner did we get there, she started having the most intense abdominal pain she has ever experienced. The doctor took a look at her and settled on three possible outcomes - kidney stones, twisted ovary, or appendicitis. He sent us to the hospital for further evaluation. Heidi cried like I have never seen before as I drove to the emergency room.

The doctor had called ahead so that when we arrived, they wheeled her straight in to ER triage. A blood test, CT scan, and pelvic exam revealed appendicitis. She was taken straight into surgery and came out within 45 minutes. I had to wait about an hour to see her and in the meantime, our friends Aimee and Lisa arrived at the hospital to see us. When we got in to see her, she was excited and started speaking with us non-stop until it was time to wheel her into the surgical overnight "hotel" room. Wow, it's a pretty swank joint, but I'm sure she would rather be home.

Long story short - She kicked butt in Women's queen of the beach VB tourney, thought she ate some bad bird, rescheduled her day, called in sick, went to the doc's, traveled to the ER, donated a few tubes of blood, got some way cool legal drugs, buzzed back and forth in the CT scanner, got rid of yucky old appendix, woke up in time to tell me and our friends about her awesome play in the tournament, ate some pancakes, talked to family in Chicago, and now she is going to sleep for the night. So, she is OK and doing fine.

They expect to release her in the morning and she will be on the couch all day. For now, we await the next CRISIS!

About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.