Sunday, June 8, 2008

She's here!!

That's right! Our daughter, Jordan, has arrived for the summer. There is a teen in the house and the Bank of Dad is open. It is good to have her. She is a welcome respite from the quietness of an empty house. Her stay all summer will put her here when the SB kids arrive for our UOO camp. She is best buddies with Rhya, Kris & Clarke's adopted daughter. They have plans to hang out over the summer and Jordan is eager to learn more about her and Luke's lives as orphans in Zytomir, Ukraine. It is good to see that Jordan has a heart for orphans and cares. She is excited about the prospect of being a big sister to Zina and Rimma. Until now she has always been the little sis.

Jordan also had a big surprise for us! She graduated from 8th grade at the top of her class! #1 out of over 300 students. We are so proud of her! Sounds like a reason to celebrate!

We called Zina this morning and Jordan got to hear her voice for the first time. Jordan was surprised when Zina answered with, "Hi Mom!" Jordan recogonized a few words of Russian we quickly taught her and she recognized them when Zina spoke. We told Zina that her sister Jordan was with us and she said hello.

When we asked about Rimma, Zina said that she was isolated because due to another problem, which we will keep private and off the blog. Also, she will not be able to go to the summer camp with Zina beacause she will have to go back to the sanitorium for more treatment. Poor Rimma, she is not doing very well right now and I am concerned. I wish Ukraine would let us come get our daughter and care for her here. She is losing weight because she won't eat the unfamiliar, unsavory food at the santitorium. When we hugged her in April, we could feel her ribs. Her jacket was dingy because they don't have adequate laundry service. And now this new problem. Please pray for Rimma and her health. The power of prayer really works and she needs all the help we can give her. I became very upset this week because I don't understand God's plan for us and R&Z. But, I know, when I pray and ask for guidance, I get it.

About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.