It took this card from Heidi's sister, Sally, to remind me that this indeed was Heidi's first mother's day! How cool is that! We gave mom her gift of 2 Peonies and 2 Columbine plants the day before. The kids couldn't wait, so I let them. On mother's day morning we went to Le peep for breakfast and treated mom to a nice plate of pancakes.
This being the same weekend after CU lets out for the summer, means a work filled weekend for Heidi every year. I took the kids to their carnival day on Saturday, to lunch, to the plant nursery for mom's gift, and by her work site to see her. The kids capped off the day by washing both of our cars as a special treat to both of us. After breakfast on Sunday, we once again went to mom's work site where she is busy renovating one of the CU dorms. A student was still moving out as workers tossed out various pieces of old debris from the windows and doorways. CU renovates one of their old dorms once a year during the summer and both of the past two years has fallen on Heidi's shoulders. She loves her job there and is in her zone when acting as project manager. Heidi also has a big new dining hall construction job and a new dorm build all going at the same time. She's a busy girl! So anytime we get to bring the family to her is time well spent. We helped her a bit by covering some old furniture that was placed outdoors with plastic. It was a bit rainy on Sunday.
Heidi was able to break away Sunday afternoon, so we took the kids to their first movie theater experience. We don't do this a lot due to the expense and the fact that I have a nice home theater system. The kids prefer to be home with a movie and this suits me just fine. For this outing, the kids saw "Aliens vs Monsters" or something like that. It was in 3D and they enjoyed it. Since it was mother's day, I agreed to see a chick-flick with Heidi. She wanted to see "Ghosts of girlfriends past". It was funny, but a bit raunchy. The kids won't be seeing this one anytime soon! Both movies were within 5 minutes of each other, so it worked out fine. I gave my cell phone to Nadia, just in case.
Heidi talked to Zina yesterday. She received the shoes and shirt we sent to her. Wow, it only took 9 days via US mail! The charge was minimal at $18 bucks, too. Rimma's box hadn't yet arrived despite the fact that we sent them both at the same time. I wonder what makes one package slower than another? Hmmnn. Not the first time a package never made it's destination in Ukraine. Perhaps it will show up in the next few days.
Prayers go out to the Hoffmans who boarded a plane at 10:10 MST to journey to Ukraine to bring home their girls. Right now they are somewhere over the Atlantic, hopefully getting some rest and not worrying about events to come. You can still give, they are going on faith and are praying that what they have will be enough. Let's give them what we can so they can complete God's calling.
Congratulations to the Rhan family who were notified today that their SDA appointment is on Memorial day. Another extraordinary family that we have had the pleasure of talking with. Go forth and conquer, Fran!
God bless you all, the families going into harm's way to rescue His children, and the fatherless ones awaiting the world over! Prepare ye the way!