Hi everyone, this will be the last post before we leave. We still have much to do and Heidi says I have to get off the computer and help! Our contact that has close ties to the director secured permission to see Zina and our visitation to the orphanage. Yeah!! Perhaps by meeting the director, we can get the Summer host trip of Rimma and Zina back on track. Baby steps, Felix. Baby steps!
I used this picture of Zina before back in January, but it portrays what I think our reunion will be like. She doesn't know that we are coming, but she asks Oksana every week when they talk. She will no doubt be surprised and ecstatic to see us. We hope to see her everyday we are there, but she does have school to attend. I wish there were someway to see Rimma, too. We shall see. Again, baby steps, Felix!
We will take the laptop, camera, and a daily diary. If we are unable to post, I will update you on the daily events when we get back. Everyone knows we are coming, it seems. Natalya (SB director), Marianna (Agape ministries), Oksana, and of course, the girl's director, Nicolai. Ukraine, here we come!