Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our Friend - Karen Springs

Our UOO ministry (Ukraine Orphan Outreach) partnered with CBN to bring the Kherson kids to Colorado back in December. Tatianna was our contact and she escorted the children to the States. She now lives in Canada and is no longer with CBN. We received word that we would be hearing from Karen Springs, Tatianna's replacement. Karen is an American citizen living in Kiev following her calling from God to make a difference in the lives of orphans there, so we knew she had a heart of gold and God's blessings. We found Karen's website and what do you know, we found this picture of Karen with Rimma and Zina! We waited patiently to communicate with Karen until she finished up her visit to her home in Washington state and with the second round of Shoemaker kids in California. She e-mailed us this week - we were so excited to hear from her!

Karen heard about our blog from one of the Virginia host families. Karen spent two weeks with the orphans during their stay in Williamsburg in December before the kids traveled to Denver. In a few weeks she is going to travel to both of the orphanages in the Kherson area to to visit the kids. Karen kindly offered to talk to Rimma about where her heart is regarding our desire to adopt her. We can tell from Karen's photo that the girls trust her, so hopefully Karen will be able to help Rimma consider all of the factors of making this tough decision. We can't wait to see Karen's pictures from the trip!

We have been really blessed with our past relationship with CBN and with Tatiana's move to Canada, we were unsure about who we would be working with in the future, but once again, GOD had it all figured out! UOO will be meeting this week to formulate plans to partner with Karen and CBN on this year's Summer Camp in Colorado and on future endeavors.

Karen is a wonderful person, working for God's calling! We can't wait to work with her! You can visit Karen's website at

About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.