Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heidi's adoption savings tip #2...

No car payments! Heidi pulled over and snapped this picture when she rolled 222,222K miles on her 1997 CRV! Honda's are like the Energizer bunny, they keep going and going and going. Don't worry, that red "maintenance required" flag has been stuck since 100K.

Heidi's adoption savings tip #1...

Nothing says fine dining better than your own collection of Red Robin cups. We get at least 12 everytime we go! Tupperware be darned! We even get the added benefit of dinner for 6 for the low, low price of $36...tip included!

About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.