Monday, March 31, 2008

A Roller Coaster Week!

Hi everyone,

Sorry that it has been a week since we posted anything. It has been an up and down week for us. Our first offer on the house was rejected with no counter offer, so that set the tone for the week. We weren't too disappointed over that. They finally countered Thursday and we are writing our final offer this evening. Again, stay tuned.

Now the depressing news. We asked Oksana to notify the orphanage director that we are coming to see the girls and talk about their registration issues. She mentioned our phone calls with Lilya as our translator back in December. He said that he had no idea who she was and that the children that went to America were not there as an adoption trip. (True, they weren't, but that is no reason not to work on their registration.) He also stated that we could not visit and that he wouldn't let us in the gates when we arrive. He says we need documents from the SDA and the regional council to come to the orphanage. He stated that Oksana was not to come to the orphanage, even though she went there to see the girls a couple of weekends ago. (Oksana said that he was not there when she visited.) I think he believes that we are trying to circumvent the adoption process and that is just not the case. We want to help the girls get registered and adopt them via the Ukrainian process when we and they are eligible. He doesn't see it that way.

We consulted with Lilya and she says that the director is supposed to say what he said and that he wouldn't prevent us from seeing all of the kids that came last December. She said that she will e-mail Oksana a few notes to say to the director to soften his stance. We e-mailed Oksana and asked her to make one last call to the director to clear up our intentions. I guess we will not be able to speak with him at all about this registration thing.

As far as we know, the girl's will still be able to come out for most of this summer. I hope that we haven't jeopardized that. The director didn't mention it and Frontier Horizons is moving forward with the paperwork and request. Heidi and I agree that we will wait and hire a lawyer for the registration issue until after the girls arrive. As we have to have a Ukrainian chaperon for them when they are here, we asked FH to ask the director to be the chaperon. It would be a great move if he were, we could show him our eternal support and love for the girls. Perhaps it would do wonders for their registration. There is a slim chance of it being him, however.

Now the roller coaster is going up again. We talked to the girls again this weekend. Zina had lots to say and for the first time I heard and understood her ask about me (Dad). She started off by saying, "Hi Mom, hi Dad". She is very comfortable with our newest translator, Lydia. She asked Lydia who she was and why Lilya wasn't with us anymore. (For those who don't know, Lilya is in a big battle with the US State Dept. to get her family over to the US for her wedding in September. Also, she is working full-time now at a bank.) She asked us to send her swimsuit to her that she left. Rimma was a bit quiet, but talked a little with us. We were surprised when Vika (14) asked to speak with us, too. She wanted to give our friends, the Carman's, her cell phone number and she asked us to pass on her greeting to them as well. We finished by talking to Zina for half an hour more. (I did say that she had lots to say.) She didn't ask about her paperwork at all and we were relived. It is hard to hold back information that you know would be damaging and disheartening for them. But, we feel it is in their best interest. She only asked about when we would be coming. We told her that we needed permission for higher authorities. We didn't want to throw the director under the bus, so to speak. She respects her director, we do too, and we want to keep it that way.

As for the trip to Ukraine in mid-April, we are awaiting more info from Oksana and Lilya's attempts. We feel we may still go, but we do have second thoughts. Heidi wants to just go and peer in through those gates he said he won't let us through. I'm a little hesitant, but coming around. It would still be a fruitful trip and we could see Karen, the Staris B. orphanage, Oksana and her husband. We have to buy tickets soon, tonight perhaps.
Thanks to everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. We can feel it working and we know that the girls will be with us as a family one day. More later, we will let you know if we purchase tickets. Don't forget about the garage sale, it is scheduled for April 26th! God bless you all.

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About Us

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.