Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gift of Adoption

This video has Rimma and Lizzie in it, as well as a few of the kids from her orphanage. Every time you see a little green sign, it says "adopted". THANK YOU, mission Emmanuel, Alex Fedorchuk Agape and Orphans Promise, and Ukraine Orphan Outreach for doing what you do. You played a HUGE part in so many kids' lives. I love all of you and what you do. Through your hard work, families have been created and the enemy has been defeated!.


JLBriesemeister said...

Beautiful. It's amazing to see how many children and families have been impacted. I think of you guys often! Your story is certainly one that has touched my life. God Bless!


Jeff Rivera said...

Your video touches the heart. I realized how many people do not see the adoption the way you see it and communicate it on your page. I pray that you will reach more people, couples and families who are praying to have a child. Your page will bless them and will be an answer to their questions and prayers.

Jeff Rivera
Bestselling Author

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Longmont, Colorado, United States
Heidi loves to play sand volleyball, sail and garden. Felix loves to fly at the local aeroclub, sail and fish.