Four years ago, on this day, God put two people on a forever path with two sweet girls. We wanted children and He wanted loving parents for these two. There were many trials and tribulations and so much time went by, but none of us ever gave up hope that one day dreams would come true. In His timing that we agonized over, didn't understand at the time, and shed many tears over...our prayers were answered. Lots has happened over these past four years! But everyone is finally home and our adventures have only just begun...stay tuned!
Happy 4th anniversary Lizzie and Rimma!
~ Mom & Dad ~
Congratulations for four years ago and congratulations for now.
Absolutely amazing and beautiful! Congrats to all of you!
I just happened to find your blog tonight. I was wondering which part of U , you adopted from. We are in process right now to go get a little girl.
We adopted Rimma and Lizzie from Kherson, down south on the Dnipro River, almost where it empties into the Black Sea.
We adopted Nadia, Julia amd Kole from Boyarka, 30 km west of Kiev.
Good luck and God Bless you on your endeavors to bring home a girl!
I've been reading your blog and I thank you for sharing all your details about your adoptions. My husband and I are in the process of completing our Dossier to adopt a girl from the Ukraine. In one of your blogs you mentioned hiring a PI to ask your children if they wanted to be adopted. My husband and I are considering doing the same thing but have no idea what is involved. If toes will get stepped on/cost involved. If you could email me I'd aprreciate it.
Thank you so very much.
Veronica Albers
(Please don't post this on your site ~ Thank you)
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